Hannah has turn 2 years old. time flies very fast. it is very scary when think about it. I'm getting old and old. It is same when goes to my little baby Hannah Aqilah. She is learning very fast. It might be because she has 2 strong suportters (Along & Angah). She has learnt good and bad things. Her development very fast compared to her kakak and abang. Can walk at 11 mons and can talk at 18 mons while her kakak and abang can walk at 15 mons and talk at 24 mons. When she talk at 18 mons, now she is very good in
debating (gaduh mulut). Itu yang buat Ibu fening when ayah not around. She loves babies very much (should i produce another members). Like to dance and singging, pantang ada lagu mesti nak dancing, masa terluang akan digunakan untuk singging. suka tengok baby talk channel (618). Marah betul kalau kita tukar ke channel lain.
Suka benar dia dengan babdy-doll, siap suruh ibu susukan baby dia lagi... |
Budak yang suka cari gaduh... |
Suka "mengemas" |
Learn from Kakak.. |
Very cheeky... suka sangat mengacau orang |
Happy Birthday Baby!!!!